Sunday, August 3, 2008

Maybe I am just old...

I think perhaps I have hit that point where "those damn kids need to stay off my lawn."

This is again a Facebook re-post rant in reaction to Adbusters recent hipster article. I am not even posting a link to it, that's how much I hate Adbusters. It's super vaguely music related, otherwise I would've left it on Facebook.

"Adbusters doing this article is about as relevant as them doing an article on those new-fangled "blogs."

I never thought my already low opinion of them could deteriorate any more. I don't even know what it is about this article except it's extreme irrelevance and pandering to demographics that wouldn't normally pick up their magazine except to bolster their own uniformed, and more than likely outdated (and seriously impressionable-very-much-in-need-of-sound-bites) opinion.

But you know I guess, really in the end, does Adbusters exist for any other reason?

Not that this is some weak defense of what some might construe as a "touchy subject," it's just more or less a "wtf? really? is this a powder piece by a local news affiliate needing to bump up it's ratings? oh wait no, it's an international magazine. huh. funny that."

but i also really hate adbusters, so i'm probably just being a dick."


Simon Thibault said...

You have to admit, however, the part where they ask if anyone identifies as a hipster is pretty funny and rather pointed. I mean, does anyone?

JeffreyAnthonyLiberatore said...

you're hep Simon

Loukas said...

You'd be surprised. I was at a party a while ago and I over-heard:

"So what do you do?"
"I'm a hipster mostly"

WITHOUT TRYING TO BE FUNNY!! I wish I could still remember the quote to the face because it's one of those people that you'd have to go "oh, huh, yah you really are trying.."